Monday 18 May 2015

Ford Fiesta WRC

This is the second car from the Airfix WRC giftset
It's pretty much the same as the Mini so I didn't bother with detailed photos.
I came across the same problems as with the Mini, the windows were a really poor fit and needed cutting and trimming to fit in place. Also the Decals didn't fit great, and were really hard to get right(hopefully you wont notice :) ).

This time I decided to spray the body of the car rather than handpaint like the Mini, so not having an airgun I bought some Humbrol Grey Primer and French Blue spraycans. 
Having never sprayed anything before i was a bit apprehensive but after watching endless YouTube videos I gave it a go, and I think for a first attempt I didn't do too bad.


A few shots of the interior of the car, as i said it's pretty much the same as the Mini.

The body with Primer applied

 Fully painted ready for windows and decals.
(A little bit of orange peel i think, but im pleased with it as a first go.)